We must be careful to check ourselves as we enter into service to others! Every good and perfect thing comes from the Father! When we minister to others, it flows from a deep drive inside of us to meet the needs of another. If we are to gain notoriety or lining ourselves up for an eventual monetary gain of promotion that service may very well be for ourselves and not that of the other person. If we every feel compelled to do something for someone whom we really don't believe deserves it, it's probably from our Father! It won't feel good but it will be good. Let Him rule. We will find ourselves living in His service, serving others. This is where joy lives. Praise Him! August 2, 2021
Jesus Christ was deeply practical. If you study His life you will note that, along with the profound spirituality of His ministry, He had a truly practical nature. When Jesus raised Jairus's daughter from the dead, He told her parents to feed her. True love and care requires more than mere words, it calls for action. It is to support someone in prayer, but also to do something practical to show your love; even if it is inconvenient. By demonstrating your love for others in a practical way, you follow the example Jesus set for us. He is our example because His love exceeds all other love. Jesus, help me to love others with a love that is practical and sincere. Read 1 John 4:9. Praise Jesus! Amen. August 3, 2021